May 25, 2006
Ill See Your Price and
Raise You a Quarter
Networks fret over high gas costs, yet
still depict prices higher than they are…
April 19, 2006
After the discovery of oil in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, it didnt take
long for environmentalists to cry gloom and doom and for the media
to hype those claims. From caribou dying to earthquakes to all hell…
January 5, 2006
BioWillie. Its not a genetically modified country singer; its a
new alternative fuel. And as the media have reported on Willie
Nelsons crop-based energy business venture, some journalists have…
May 17, 2006
See Executive Summary
It was five years before the turn of the century and major media were warning of disastrous climate change. Page six of The New York Times was headlined with the serious concerns of 'geologists.' Only the president at the…
May 17, 2006
See Full Report
Thanks to the release of Al Gore's latest effort on global warming - this time in book and movie form - climate change is the hot topic in press rooms around the globe. It isn't the first time. The media have warned about…
April 16, 2008
Some of the toughest obstacles American businesses face come not from other companies or the economy, but from the media – journalists exaggerating an issue to make a story sexier or anti-business groups influencing the media to advance their agenda…
December 27, 2007
Holiday retail sales were up in 2007 from 2006, but not enough for a media always looking for ways to downplay economic news.
According to MasterCard SpendingPulse, retail sales were up 3.6…
December 20, 2007
Six years ago, Joe Cameron survived more than two months on life support, racking up a bill of more than $1 million. He paid less than $2,000 out of his pocket, thanks to the health insurance he had through Medicare…
December 19, 2007
President Bush just signed an epic energy bill that will increase fuel efficiency standards in automobiles, increase biofuel requirements for gasoline, and phase out incandescent light bulbs. Two network newscasts couldn’t…
December 18, 2007
Before you start getting some crazy idea about the holiday shopping season being on a positive track, tune into the network news for a reminder that the sales figures present an “ominous” sign.