August 11, 2008
In spite of the media’s obsession with global warming, only 25 percent of Americans view climate change as the world’s biggest environmental threat, according to a new ABC News poll. Fewer than half – 47 percent – viewed…
August 4, 2008
The broadcast networks just can’t get enough of the food police.
ABC joined in August 4 with a “Good Morning America” segment taken straight from a new report by the self-proclaimed food police…
July 28, 2008
Leave it to the media over-dramatize an incident that was scary enough already.
That’s just what ABC’s David Muir did in a July 25 “Good Morning America” report on the Qantas flight that made…
July 23, 2008
The failure and federal takeover of the California-based IndyMac Bank July 11 signaled a coming financial apocalypse, according to network news reports that predicted “hundreds if not thousands” more bank failures but…
October 8, 2009
With President Obama seeking to nationalize more and more private industry, Michael Moore promoting his latest socialist agit-prop and the left gleefully proclaiming the death of capitalism, a documentary special airing tonight offers a welcome…
October 5, 2009
The real problem with U.S. health care is a “misalignment of the American system,” at least according to The Washington Post. Post staff writer Ceci Connolly presented that perspective Sept. 29 in her article: “In Delivering Care, More Isn't Always…
January 2, 2009
On its website, Time Magazine has published a “Dirty Dozen” list of things and people “guilty” for our current economic woes. With 12 chances to assign blame, Time had 12 shots at fairness and journalistic balance. It failed all 12 times. …
July 2, 2008
As Democrats solidified their control of Congress in early 2007, the newly empowered leadership pledged to “truly declare our energy independence” by July 4, 2007.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (…
June 3, 2008
It’s not often when members of the media highlight positive aspects of the economy, but that’s just what ABC financial contributor Mellody Hobson did on “Good Morning America” June 3.
May 29, 2008
Credit card companies are out to get you – even if you don’t have a credit card, according to the May 29 ABC “Good Morning America.”
“You’ve heard of a no-win situation when it comes to…