February 15, 2008
Sometimes the media lose sight of the fact that businesses exist to make money and have to protect the bottom line.
Minneapolis-based Northwest Airlines (NYSE:NWA), is negotiating a merger deal…
January 13, 2009
Change we can all believe in? How about the same song and dance, but just a different day?In opening remarks at her confirmation hearing on Jan. 13, President-elect Barack Obama’s Secretary of State designate Hillary Clinton told the Senate Foreign…
February 12, 2008
With all the doom and gloom talk about the economy, especially on “CBS Evening News,” anchor Katie Couric touted a “safer investment” on February 11.
Couric’s magic bullet was a sure thing –…
February 12, 2008
Take an anti-credit card lending activist, one liberal congresswoman and a disgruntled credit card holder, and you have the stacked deck against lenders that ABC used on February 11.
February 13, 2008
No amount of reprieve for debtors is “sufficient” for critics. Following the Bush administration’s latest announcement of a mortgage grace period, ABC News fretted.
The administration, in…
February 13, 2008
At age 73 and just over four years of being out of politics, former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown has a unique perspective on both the Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama presidential candidacies.
February 5, 2008
It’s one thing to portray a doomsday scenario as it would happen unless drastic action is taken when it comes to global warming. It’s been done over and over.
But Mark Lynas, author of “Six…
January 31, 2008
One day, he says the stock market is supposed to drop 2,000 points; two weeks later, nah.
It’s funny how a 125-basis-point drop in the Federal Funds rate in…
February 1, 2008
Although the number of payroll jobs declined for the first time in more than four years on February 1, things might not be as bad as they seemed.
According to the U.S. Labor Department, payroll…
January 30, 2008
It flies in the face of conventional wisdom – spending money on things that you can’t afford, whether the economy is expanding, flat or contracting.
However, CNN “American Morning” didn’t…