March 16, 2010
It’s certainly not business as usual in Washington, D.C., but that’s probably not what the American people had in mind when they elected President Barack Obama to come to the White House and usher in a new era of change.
And this diversion from…
March 4, 2010
While the White House is making its last pushes for health care reform to be passed in Congress – a campaign against the so-called obesity epidemic has been ramped up in political circles. The media have played along, of course. First Lady Michelle…
February 19, 2010
It seems like everyday a new flaw is exposed in the argument that mankind’s use of carbon-based energy sources is warming the planet. And Marc Morano, the executive editor and chief correspondent for ClimateDepot.com has been credited with exposing…
February 18, 2010
It’s no secret the traditional journalistic business model doesn’t work in an era where advances in technology have increased flow and velocity of information. Those changes have rendered many forms of communication obsolete and made journalism a…
February 16, 2010
You may or may not know it, but if you participated in one of the tea party rallies held nationwide over the last year, you’re a bigot. Why? A black man is president and any criticism of him must be rooted in racism, even though you as lawful…
February 13, 2010
On Feb. 6, former President Ronald Reagan would have celebrated his 99th birthday. Since he’s thought of as a conservative icon, some have wondered what he would have thought of the modern conservative movement, specifically the tea parties and the…
February 4, 2010
Democratic Sen. Al Franken admitted he didn’t necessarily have legal expertise to address the Comcast-NBC Universal merger, but he could more than make up for that shortcoming through his experience in show business. Franken, a member of the Senate…
January 21, 2010
Since Republican Scott Brown won the special election Jan 19 to fill Massachusetts’ U.S. Senate seat vacated after the death of Ted Kennedy, President Barack Obama and high-level White House staffers David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs have been on the…
January 21, 2010
When you breach the sacrosanct wall between church and state, and use religion to promote policy, bad things happen. At least, that’s what the left has been telling us for years.
But Rev. Jim Wallis, editor-in-chief of Sojourners magazine and…
December 28, 2007
Just how good are those so-called experts who appear regularly on the news making stock picks and predictions about the economy? BusinessWeek gave readers the opportunity to see.
Some of the most prominent business and economic media…