November 7, 2008
As President-elect Barack Obama sorts out his cabinet and determines who will guide policy through his administration, it’s probably a good thing New York Times columnist Paul Krugman isn’t on his short list.
Krugman appeared on CNBC’s…
November 7, 2008
Glen Meert, a small business owner in Elkhart, Ind., has found himself – and his neighbors – thrust into the national spotlight. And it’s not for anything good.
The national media have swarmed Elkhart in recent weeks, using its extreme…
November 5, 2008
What’s in your wallet? Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean would like to know.
Dean and Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan were speakers at a luncheon at the National Press Club Nov. 5, where both…
November 4, 2008
It’s this type of political rhetoric that brings out the “Joe the Plumber” in all of us.
Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., thinks it’s a “simplistic notion” for people who are successful in their bid to become wealthy to hold on to that wealth and…
October 29, 2008
Some people might have done a double-take when they saw an Obama TV ad that aired during primetime television newscasts Oct. 28 suggesting the conservative Heritage Foundation endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama’s tax…
October 29, 2008
What do you get when you combine critique from a left-wing storefront and an off-base conclusion with a dose of overbearing hyperbole? A three-minute segment on MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.”
The Oct. 29 “Countdown” took a shot…
October 29, 2008
Could this be a sign Americans are rejecting redistributive socialism?
Although it hasn’t received much attention in the media, Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain has gained on Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama in at least…
October 28, 2008
Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama said he thinks things are better when you “spread the wealth around” by raising taxes on the rich. But the unsettled point of debate is just where the line is between rich and poor.
October 28, 2008
Election punditry sometimes comes from strange places. On CNN, it came from a former professional basketball player with a liberal point of view.
Charles Barkley, a former NBA most valuable player, who is now an analyst for TNT’s…
October 27, 2008
You know media bias has reached epic proportions when journalists are criticizing their own colleagues for a lack of professionalism in covering Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama and Republican vice presidential nominee Gov.…