March 10, 2010
Advice for Tea Partiers: If you want to get the broadcast networks to cover your rallies, protest against Big Insurance, not Big Government. Because, while the networks had to be dragged kicking and screaming to last year’s Tea Party rallies just to…
October 14, 2008
A slowdown in the growth of the size of government is a good thing – except for those who look upon government as the only solution to societal woes.
That was the perspective of ABC’s Oct. 13 “…
October 15, 2008
It doesn’t matter if the market goes up or down, the mainstream media is never satisfied.
Earlier this year, all three broadcast networks expressed concern that higher commodity prices – which…
October 14, 2008
When coming under fire for promoting a left-of-center ideology just point the finger at President George W. Bush.
Princeton economics professor and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman made…
February 25, 2010
There are always unintended consequences. And with the negotiations taking place at Blair House between the White House and members of Congress in Washington, D.C. on Feb. 25 – that’s what appears to be occurring.On Fox News Channel’s Feb. 25 “…
October 13, 2008
Government ownership of banks – it’s enough to make free-market capitalists cringe.
However, CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer didn’t think “socialization” of banks was necessarily a bad thing.…
October 13, 2008
The media have decided the economic distress helps Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama, Ill.
Former ‘Nightly News’ and current “Meet the Press’ anchor Tom Brokaw reinforced this…
February 24, 2010
Toyota is facing harsh scrutiny from the media and lawmakers – perhaps with justification. But there could be consequences for the U.S. economy.
And as Toyota (NYSE:TM) executives have endured two days of congressional hearings on the issues…
October 13, 2008
American consumption is the root of the decline in U.S. power, according to billionaire George Soros.
Soros was answering questions during a news conference at the World Bank and International…
February 25, 2010
ABC continued to support public anger against WellPoint, Inc. (NYSE:WLP) a large insurance company on Feb. 24.
“World News with Diane Sawyer” delved into the “growing outrage” at WellPoint and tied it to President Barack Obama’s health care…