April 13, 2010
Back in 2008, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich caught a lot of heat for participating in Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection advertising campaign in a TV commercial with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. He has since defended his…
November 3, 2008
The revelation that Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama would bankrupt the coal industry “for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted,” has prompted harsh reaction from various pro-coal constituencies. But…
April 12, 2010
A little over a year ago, President Obama signed into law the $787-billion stimulus legislation that was supposed to prevent the unemployment rate from exceeding 8 percent. And although the unemployment has receded some from its high, it’s still…
October 31, 2008
Based on media coverage, conventional wisdom suggests Wall Street would favor Republican Party candidates when donating to campaigns. But that’s not the case.
According to the Center for…
April 7, 2010
Once upon a time, liberals didn’t much like Ronald Reagan – his policies, his ideology or even just because they thought he was a lousy executive and an “amiable dunce.”"The Tower commission did not find Reagan a lousy orator; they found him a lousy…
October 30, 2008
There’s something a little creepy about historical figures being brought back to life to promote climate change alarmism, but the over-the-top environmentalists at Greenpeace have no qualms with using it as a tactic. …
March 31, 2010
Throughout General Electric’s holding off NBC Universal, GE was criticized for using its media arm to promote its own interests through the political process. However, now that Comcast is entering the final stages of merging with NBC Universal, what…
October 29, 2008
This could be worse than mixing metaphors. If Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama is going to ad lib in a speech about the economy by invoking black 1970s breakthrough TV, he could at least get it right.…
October 30, 2008
On Oct. 29, the Federal Reserve cut the Fed funds rate target to 1 percent – a level not seen since 2003 – in an effort to make lending flow more freely. But “CBS Evening News” went a different direction with its coverage of…
April 6, 2010
It’s a simple law of economics, right? If there’s a demand for a certain service or good, that business has a strong shot at thriving. Since the now-defunct Air America shut down for the last time earlier this year, the casual observer must…