June 12, 2007
CNN “American Morning” co-host John Roberts conducted an interview with the mother of a Staten Island teenage track athlete who died tragically in an apparent overdose of a well-known muscle soreness cream. The athlete’s…
June 11, 2007
The June 10 issue of The New York Times Magazine scrutinized the income gap and showcased Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards’ “War on Poverty” in a 34-page, 21,000-word article co-authored by four people. …
June 12, 2007
Michael Moore doesn’t need an advertising budget for his new film, “Sicko.” The media are doing a fine job getting out the word.
The June 12 “American Morning” featured almost two and a half…
June 11, 2007
“America’s CEOs are raking in big, huge, fat wads of cash,” said CNN’s Stephanie Elam on the June 11 “American Morning.”
The latest scrutiny of executive compensation took a stab at Yahoo! (…
June 8, 2007
The Washington Post has once again taken only one side of the Alternative Minimum Tax debate: the side of those who promote class warfare for political gain.
The June 8 story by Lori…
June 8, 2007
Despite past mourning of the hardship of the auto industry, ABC aired support for higher fuel efficiency standards that would make competing with foreign car makers more difficult and raise manufacturing costs. …
June 7, 2007
Up to two million tires are at the bottom of the ocean floor off the coast of Florida. They damage reefs, wash up on the beach and create a hazard for beachgoers. How did they get there? Don’t ask ABC News.
June 6, 2007
Even when people have access to health insurance, that’s not good enough for the USA Today.
A June 6 story by Julie Appleby emphasized the problems of limited health insurance questioning “…
June 4, 2007
American taxpayers have a moral obligation to make sure all children – the “most vulnerable members” of society – have insurance, according to ABC “World News Sunday.”
Reporter Dan Harris made…
June 2, 2007
Offer any skepticism of global warming and the media quickly line up experts to discredit you.
That’s exactly what happened on “World News with Charles Gibson” on May 31. Correspondent Bill…