July 12, 2007
Did you make a mistake balancing your checkbook and withdraw more money than you had in your account? Are you upset about the overdraft fee it cost you?
Well, your mistake isn’t your fault –…
January 14, 2009
Call this a case of liberalism via central planning gone wild.
In one of the most politically left-of-center cities east of Berkeley, Calif., ideas put forth at city hall in Madison, Wis. would dramatically limit free enterprise and personal…
July 11, 2007
For nearly 800 years, long before the days of outsourcing, world oil markets and the Internet, there has been a global economy of sorts. Since the days of Marco Polo and the spice trade, people have been getting their…
July 10, 2007
It must be summer rerun season because the July 9 ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” report on bottled water sounded a lot like the one from a day earlier. For the second consecutive night, ABC aired a story criticizing…
January 7, 2009
In the midst of economic troubles and much anticipation of
a new administration about to enter the White House, the potential return of
the Fairness Doctrine hasn’t gotten much attention. But on the eve of
President-elect Barack Obama’s…
January 7, 2009
The words “economic stimulus” have a certain appeal to them because, after all, who wouldn’t want the economy to be stimulated?
But, as the country is nearing his inauguration on Jan. 20 and the inevitability of President Barack Obama’s…
July 11, 2007
The Michael Moore jihad against CNN spilled over on to the set of “Larry King Live” July 10. Moore followed up his July 9 tantrum about CNN’s Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta by going toe-to-toe with Gupta. …
July 10, 2007
Like a toddler that didn’t get its way, propagandist Michael Moore pitched a hissy fit for more than 10 minutes on CNN's “The Situation Room.”
“That report was so biased, I can’t…
January 6, 2009
From illegal immigration and trade to voter fraud, CNN’s Lou Dobbs is never shy about expressing his opinions. That rule held true when Dobbs brought up global warming on Jan. 5.
The outspoken host of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” observed that global…
July 9, 2007
Despite claims of “Live Earth’s” bipartisan, non-political nature, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had some strong words for the political opposition at the July 7 New Jersey concert.
“Get rid of all these…