March 26, 2008
Regardless of whether global warming is a threat, one Washington insider predicts a carbon cap-and-trade system is inevitable because all three remaining presidential candidates support it.
Fred Krupp, the president of the left-wing…
March 25, 2008
Almost every day, the network news breathlessly asks again: is the “housing crisis” over? Have gas prices topped out? Is the economy in recession? CBS and NBC took a downbeat approach to those questions March 24 and 25.
Existing Home Sales…
March 24, 2008
ABC’s harmlessly named “profile” segment March 23 was, in essence, an attempt to discredit and bury the individual profiled – not too surprising, however, because he is a scientist who refuses to support wildly hyped global warming predictions…
March 22, 2008
It’s not a script for the next science-fiction thriller, but renowned British scientist James Lovelock is giving human civilization less than 32 years before all hell breaks loose because of the effects of global warming.
Lovelock said…
March 21, 2008
Can’t afford that new home theater system? Bummed that you had to forego the Dungeness crab for imitation crab meat? Don’t call it “making responsible financial decisions.” Instead call it an economic “slump.”
That’s what reporter Peter…
March 20, 2008
If you believe the claims of Dr. James E. Hansen, the NASA climate scientist and prominent global warming alarmist, then you will also have to come to terms with accepting a drastic increase in your power bill.
A 38-page document authored…
March 18, 2008
Want to get on a national TV newscast? Your best bet is to strike while the iron is hot – that is while the economy is the issue of the day.
The March 17 “NBC Nightly News” dedicated an entire segment to U.S. News…
March 17, 2008
High gas prices are hurting a lot of people, but the impact is most painful for Californians.
ABC’s March 16 “World News” featured a segment about the California economy and pointed out that California is experiencing the highest gas…
March 14, 2008
It is one thing to rob Peter to pay Paul, but doing it for the sake of government tax revenue defies common sense.
CBS’s March 14 “The Early Show” had yet another downbeat story about the troubled housing market. This time instead of just…
March 14, 2008
Many economists warn of tough economic times, but former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich doesn’t just warn of a “recession,” he warns of a “depression.”
“I think there’s a 20 percent chance of a depression,” Reich said to the…