October 4, 2007
Blackwater USA, now one of the media’s favorite targets, can’t seem to get any credit even when something goes right.
The company, once described as “an entirely new type of war profiteer” by CNBC contributor Jon Markman, saved Polish…
September 26, 2007
Leave it to CNN’s “American Morning” to just not get it when it comes to curbing the growth of government.
“[T]he House last night voted to authorize this new children’s health insurance program – $35 billion additional funding over five…
September 17, 2007
It’s easy to talk about universal health care. It’s not as easy to pay for it.
“Her [Hillary Clinton’s] goal is still universal coverage through a combination of private and public insurance,” ABC reporter Liz Marlantes said on the…
September 13, 2007
Looking for a way to absolve yourself of environmental guilt and turn over a new leaf? Want to reduce your carbon footprint significantly? Well, Time magazine has found a place for you.
Imagine a place where all the houses feature “…
September 12, 2007
If you can’t afford to live in the place you are living in, the logical thing to do would be to take a downgrade and find something more affordable, right? That’s not an option reporters Noelle Knox and Barbara Hansen explored in the September…
September 1, 2007
Despite President Bush’s major proposal to aid homeowners who took out risky subprime mortgages, some in the media already don’t think that’s enough.
“[I] don’t know how big of a helping hand it was when you’re talking about two million…
August 28, 2007
For the second straight night in a row, the CBS “Evening News” evaluated what falling home prices mean and it wasn’t good.
“The prices of homes are falling and there is more evidence tonight that those counting on their houses as their…
August 27, 2007
Meet the media’s newest coal industry expert Jeff Goodell.
Goodell is consistently cited as a coal expert by the media, although he has no formal expertise or academic credentials in the coal business. Goodell is a contributing editor at…
August 27, 2007
Leave it to MSNBC to help unions bash business and bosses.
Anchor David Shuster actually outdid the union’s “My Bad Boss” contest with a comment about one pregnant employee putting “placenta” on pizza because her boss wouldn’t let her go…
August 21, 2007
There’s no question there has been an uptick in foreclosures because of bad business decisions – primary the so-called NINJA (No income, no job or assets) loans made by some mortgage lenders. And there’s plenty of blame to go around.