November 20, 2007
This one will really tug at your heartstrings – grandmothers might have to cut corners to be able to afford the family feast this year for Thanksgiving.
“[G]randmother Judy Inman is feeling the…
November 19, 2007
Just as the holiday season is cranking up, CBS is clamping down. Even strong numbers at Wal-Mart don’t satisfy the negative network. The November 18 “CBS Evening News” kept up its predictable pessimism about the…
November 16, 2007
So what’s another $1 trillion as long as it’s for a good cause?
Apparently not much according to Woody Tasch, the chairman of Investors’ Circle, a company that describes itself as a “community…
November 15, 2007
It has become routine. Once a month, California-based RealtyTrac releases national foreclosure statistics and once a month, all three networks include a foreclosures story in their November 14 newscast.
December 9, 2009
A number of business owners have let me know of their new annoyance. They’re taking umbrage. The Great and Powerful Ozbama has chosen a new demon: the small business community. Not long ago, the rhetoric was about the need to assist small business.…
December 3, 2009
The seemingly creepy fixation some MSNBC on-air personalities have with Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann just continues to persist on the cable network.
The latest installment involves MSNBC’s “Ed Show” host Ed Schultz relying on a…
November 19, 2009
Here they go again. Oppose regulating carbon emissions and either the media or the Obama administration is going to come gunning at you. Sometimes both.
An article in the Nov. 19 New York Times by John M. Broder scrutinizes the U.S. Chamber of…
November 20, 2009
Now that former CNN host Lou Dobbs has been freed of his duties with his former network, he has been making the rounds on other networks – Fox News “The O’Reilly Factor,” Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” and now with his long-time rival’s show CNBC…
November 10, 2009
There’s a long history of the media and left-leaning organizations working in accord to promote a cause, perhaps meaning well – but playing fast and loose with the science. Remember the great Alar scare of the 1980s? How about the 1970s and threat…
November 12, 2009
We’ve come to expect intellectual dishonesty from the media elite, and Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, columnist for the New York Times, never disappoints.
Krugman, in a Nov. 11 post on his NYTimes.com blog titled “The agony of Fox…