February 27, 2008
There’s nothing scarier than reverting back to the days of yesteryear – when Jimmy Carter was president.
But evoking the memories of the 1970s and stagflation is now a common theme in the media. A disappointing rise in the producer price…
February 27, 2008
Exploiting hot-button issues is the path to the White House and an increased majority in Congress according to Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean.
Dean, who was the keynote speaker for the Black History Month Celebration…
February 26, 2008
“It’s the economy, stupid.” How many times will we hear that line, originally uttered by Democratic operative James Carville in 1992, repeated this election cycle by the media?
Already in 2008 it’s been used at least once on the “NBC…
February 25, 2008
Time magazine is at it again. This time, it’s going beyond unquestioning coverage of global warming alarmism to act as a public relations agent for a global warming alarmist’s campaign.
A Time.com article by Bryan Walsh encouraged readers…
February 22, 2008
Surprise – NBC chief environmental affairs correspondent and global warming alarmist Anne Thompson offered “Nightly News” viewers a variety of reasons why building a badly-needed coal-fired power plant in an isolated part of Nevada is a bad…
February 15, 2008
Former NBA all-star, now an NBA announcer for TNT, Charles Barkley has a unique take on conservatives and Republicans. He questions their faith.
Barkley appeared on CNN’s February 15 “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer,” not to discuss…
February 14, 2008
The former secretary of the Department of Agriculture, now chairman of the Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. (MPAA), Dan Glickman showed just because you change jobs, leaving behind ideals doesn’t happen.
Glickman, who spoke to…
February 14, 2008
You think the American media have been brutal about casting our economy in a negative light? They have nothing on the international media.
A February 13 Reuters report suggested the U.S. government may have to go on an American asset-…
February 14, 2008
Recession hasn’t been officially determined, but that didn’t matter to CNN’s Senior Business correspondent on "American Morning."
Velshi offered viewers a preview of an appearance by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve…
February 13, 2008
According to the media and some economists it wasn’t supposed to be this way. Our consumer-driven economy was supposed to show a slowdown in spending not an increase.
That goes to show you can’t believe all the economic forecasts of doom…