October 18, 2007
Even “NBC Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams called it “this growing war on bottled water” in a promo and he was right on with his assessment.
In recent months, ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN have…
October 18, 2007
CBS Investigative Correspondent Armen Keteyian stacked the deck against four military food-supply contractors in a “Follow the Money” segment on the October 17 “CBS Evening News.”
October 16, 2007
ABC and CBS admit Social Security is in trouble, but why can’t the left?
“In 10 years time, Social Security will be paying out more in benefits than it takes in taxes and about the time the…
October 16, 2007
Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore’s celebration weekend in Tennessee wasn’t all dinner and dancing.
The former vice president managed to find time this past weekend to post a series of videos…
October 15, 2007
CBS “Evening News” has a strange way of commemorating unpleasant historical events.
The October 14 broadcast observed the 20th anniversary of the Oct. 19, 1987, stock market-crash by comparing…
October 15, 2007
Have you heard the one about the company that “went green” and ended up actually saving money? Sounds great, doesn’t it?
The problem is the connection between the two is less than certain.…
October 12, 2007
If you haven’t heard – Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize. Based on the media coverage, if that is news to you, you should probably crawl out from under your rock.
However, Gore is sharing…
October 11, 2007
Don’t be concerned about what liberal Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton thinks about specific issues – she’ll let you know when she think it’s time for you to know.
October 10, 2007
Although the October 9 GOP presidential debate at times strayed from its central theme of being about the economy, some of the Republican candidates responded to the moderators questions that indicated they had the right…
October 9, 2007
CNBC billed the October 9 “Your Money Your Vote” Republican presidential debate as one that would confront important economic issues for the presidential election. It didn’t stop there. Other topics included catching bin…