April 10, 2008
Will there always be print newspapers? The editor of The Washington Post said he thought so, though others might think he's in denial.
In November 2007, former “NBC Nightly News” anchor Tom…
April 11, 2008
As riots over food shortages are breaking out in Haiti, Egypt and other parts of Africa, the media are looking for a culprit. ABC’s April 10 “World News with Charles Gibson” identified one culprit of this global strife:…
April 9, 2008
First the media tell you plastic water bottles are bad for the environment, so they encourage you to drink tap water in reusable containers. Now some of those reusable containers aren’t safe.
April 9, 2008
The old-school legacy newspapers are having a hard time making it today as the Internet has brought fierce competition and advertising dollars are drying up.
But Michael Phelps, CEO of the…
April 8, 2008
The transformation of the news business might be taking its first big-name casualty soon.
The April 8 New York Times reported network-giant CBS is in negotiations with CNN to outsource its…
April 14, 2008
One might think in the free market of ideas, increased competition would inspire more innovation, leading to more and better choices for the consumer.
Roger Mudd, a former “CBS Evening News”…
April 4, 2008
People love rooting for the underdog and it appears the media is no exception.
A Staten Island family was somehow able to secure a $335,000 mortgage with only a $30,000-a-year income.…
April 2, 2008
♪♫ ♪ Bad boys, bad boys – what ya gonna do? What ya gonna do when the foreclosure police come for you? ♪♫ ♪
That sounds like a theme song for some really bad reality television. However, ABC’s April 2 “Good Morning…
April 23, 2009
The same left-wing groups (like ACORN) who complained that bailout companies shouldn’t be awarding bonuses to their executives, might be getting their hands on some of the bailout money according to one senator.CNBC’s Larry Kudlow asked Sen. James…
April 3, 2008
Giving financial advice, especially on TV, is more dangerous than you might think.
CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer appeared on the April 3 “Squawk Box” and claimed he has received “a lot of…