July 1, 2010
unqualified people perform a high-level task on “Dancing with the
Stars,” it makes for great entertainment. But in Washington, D.C.,
major legislation is on the line.On
CNBC’s July 1 “Squawk Box,” former Federal Reserve Chairman
Alan Greenspan…
June 29, 2010
Today’s plunge in the U.S. financial markets is a cause of concern for a lot of people – but according to Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., we haven’t seen anything yet if congressional Democrats don’t get their way.
Kanjorski was asked if by CNBC’s…
June 21, 2010
Usually when you see something on the Center for American Progress’ Think Progress blog, you ignore it (or at best take it with a grain of salt) because you know its fundamental objective is to score some inane point against conservatives or the…
June 25, 2010
This is one of those “I told you so” moments conservatives should really be out publicizing: The $787-billion stimulus passed early 2009 – it’s not working.
And on CNBC’s June 25 broadcast of “The Call,” CME Group floor reporter Rick Santelli…
December 29, 2008
Who doesn’t like to see taxes cut? Well, it depends on who gets the cut.
A Dec. 28 “NBC Nightly News” segment about President-elect Barack Obama’s incoming administration took on the issue of the “top domestic concern, the economy.” According…
December 18, 2008
In an attempt to pit “us” against “them [Wall Street]” Rachel Maddow mocked and criticized the rate at which Goldman Sachs was taxed this year.
The MSNBC host of “The Rachel Maddow” show lamented that the investment bank Goldman Sachs, which…
December 18, 2008
Even in a story about Wall Street scandal, NBC found time to promote a bailout of the auto industry.
The Dec. 17 “NBC Nightly News” went out of its way to put the amount of Bernard Madoff’s alleged $50 billion fraudulent Ponzi scheme in…
December 18, 2008
Love him or hate him, this time Jim Cramer makes a good point.
While some in the media have expressed fury over allegations that Bernard Madoff ran a Ponzi scheme that may have cost investors up to $50 billion, CNBC’s “Mad Money” host Jim…
December 16, 2008
Rupert Murdoch has his critics – from those who think his papers are too tabloid-ish – The Sun, The New York Post – to those who find his cable television networks too right-leaning for their tastes. And back in 2007, there was a fear that his…
December 16, 2008
Even with all his detractors, CNBC’s “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer has never been shy about expressing his opinion. Most notably, his infamous Aug. 3, 2007 “They know nothing … They’re nuts” rant was a full fledged meltdown, but it correctly…