August 7, 2007
Even something as natural as breastfeeding gets used by the media to attack business.
The New York Public Hospital System has stopped offering samples of baby formula as part of an effort…
August 3, 2007
You give an inch and they want a mile.
Maybe that’s what the people at Icelandic Water Holdings are thinking now. The company based near Reykjavik, Iceland claims to be an entirely “…
April 1, 2009
With the economy suffering a steep downturn and a new hands-on approach by the federal government to correct it, financial news outlets have received increasing scrutiny. None more so than CNBC.
The cable channel, along with its left-of-center…
August 3, 2007
The words “lucrative tax break” or “loophole” conjure up thoughts of dishonesty or underhandedness regarding the tax code. Perhaps that is what the Washington Post intended to do in its August 3 story.
March 26, 2009
There’s nothing like populist outrage from a multi-millionaire advertising mogul with a spot on CNBC.
Donny Deutsch, the host of “The Big Idea,” a show the network has shelved, explained to viewers on the March 25 broadcast of “CNBC Reports”…
August 2, 2007
NBC continued to use the decline in the housing market as a scapegoat for any less-than-positive economic news – whether it be a drop in the stock market, changes in currency exchange rates or the reduction in sales…
August 1, 2007
For a business reporter, you would think CNN’s Ali Velshi would have a grasp of market trends – especially with oil and gasoline prices.
However, on “American Morning,” a show that claims to…
August 1, 2007
Whenever the "NBC Nightly News” adorns the green NBC signature peacock in the bottom corner of a news report – viewer beware. It means a global warming story is coming.
“Finally tonight, a…
March 23, 2009
Is CNBC caving to its critics on the left?
It might appear so now that former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, also the former chair of the Democratic National Committee, was officially named a CNBC contributor on the March 23 “Squawk Box” by co-host…
March 17, 2009
Since his now-famous Chicago Tea Party outburst from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in February, CNBC’s Rick Santelli had seemingly disappeared from the spotlight.
However, on CNBC’s March 17 “Squawk Box,” Santelli, using similar…