September 19, 2007
There’s a reason they call the fake news “fake.”
At no other time was it clearer why shows like “The Daily Show” are fake news than when host Jon Stewart interviewed former Federal Reserve…
September 18, 2007
Show a profit after years of turmoil by trying to run a more efficient operation – and get criticized for customer service.
“And new airline industry numbers out today show that while millions…
September 18, 2007
It’s become a favorite topic of ABC’s “Good Morning America.”
Since July 4, ABC’s morning show has mentioned global warming 31 times in stories ranging in everything from the 2008 presidential…
September 19, 2007
Was the Federal Reserve’s rate cut good or bad for the economy? Even the networks don’t agree. The 50 basis point interest rate cut caused CBS to warn about added threats to the economy and had ABC telling viewers the move…
September 14, 2007
Even though Debbie Clavon admitted she was “dumb” and “didn’t read” her mortgage agreement, CBS showcased her adjustable-rate mortgage woes and her protest of foreclosures nationwide.
September 13, 2007
Sixteen months ago, ABC “World News” warned of the dangers of obesity and the potential implications it could have for life expectancy.
“We’re going to take a closer look at a landmark…
September 17, 2007
Believe it or not, there are still some people who think businesses can create social benefits without making any profits.
Such was the case when the Charlotte, N.C.-based Bank of America (NYSE…
September 13, 2007
The media chalked it up as a victory for the global-warming alarmists. The Wall Street Journal claimed a federal court decision giving states the authority to regulate automobile emissions would have “nationwide ripples.”…
September 12, 2007
Global warming might be a scary thing to some, but who would have thought on the level of a nuclear holocaust?
“Climate change could have global security implications on a par with nuclear war…
September 11, 2007
Most global warming skeptics are accused of being bought-and-paid for by Big Oil, especially by pundits or the media.
But that’s not the case for Bjørn Lomborg, author of “Cool It: The Skeptical…