September 13, 2007
The media chalked it up as a victory for the global-warming alarmists. The Wall Street Journal claimed a federal court decision giving states the authority to regulate automobile emissions would have “nationwide ripples.”…
September 12, 2007
Global warming might be a scary thing to some, but who would have thought on the level of a nuclear holocaust?
“Climate change could have global security implications on a par with nuclear war…
September 11, 2007
Most global warming skeptics are accused of being bought-and-paid for by Big Oil, especially by pundits or the media.
But that’s not the case for Bjørn Lomborg, author of “Cool It: The Skeptical…
September 10, 2007
Newsweek’s Jonathan Darman must set a very high bar for what he deems radical.
In the September 17 issue of Newsweek, Darman’s story, “How She Would Govern,” tried to give readers a glimpse of…
September 11, 2007
The housing slump is all the fault of “unscrupulous” lenders and brokers, while defaulted home borrowers were just “unsuspecting” victims – according to the September 10 “World News with Charles Gibson.”
September 10, 2007
Lower-than-expected job numbers on September 7 have given the media an excuse to pile on and advance recession fears.
“Stocks are on a roller coaster ride; the housing market in the dumps. And…
September 6, 2007
The government knows best – especially when it comes to spending your money, according to The New York Times.
The September 6 issue of the Times questioned the sensibilities of charitable…
September 7, 2007
Are realty foreclosures as bad as they are reported in the media? Not according to a spokesman from RealtyTrac, an Irvine, Calif.-based organization that tracks foreclosures. According to the firm, journalists sometimes…
September 5, 2007
Labor Day often means Pro-Organized Labor Day in the media, and CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” was the poster child this year.
The show featured two anti-corporate, union-affiliated “experts” on…
September 6, 2007
One embattled corporation is fighting back against unfair treatment by the media.
The September 2007 issue of Bloomberg Markets Magazine featured a 6,000-word assault on the entire property…