November 6, 2008
The pundits are already at it, saying that conservatism is dead.
But Barack Obama and Joe Biden were elected in large part because they managed, in the face of all evidence, to run to the right of McCain-Palin.
Obama-Biden pretended they weren…
July 17, 2008
Mainstream media outlets declined to cover a press conference held yesterday by conservative groups protesting a McDonald's spokesman who accused them of “hatred.”
A coalition of pro-family groups, spearheaded by the American Family Association (…
June 11, 2008
Usually, when a journalist is censored in a Western nation, American news organizations respond with collective outrage.
But as a major attack on press freedom unfolds in Canada, America's mainstream media are silent. Neither the TV networks nor…
May 16, 2008
The TV news networks and other major media followed the typical gay script in reporting the California Supreme Court's 4-3 ruling Thursday striking down the voter-approved marriage law and presumably creating “gay marriage” in the Golden State.
May 9, 2008
Did you know that planting a tree won't save the earth?
You've got to plant 483 trees just to offset your household's carbon footprint. And that's just for two people.
We know this because the Washington Post Home section on May 8 featured a…
April 21, 2008
From carbon footprint calculators to electricity-free weddings, the media's promotion of anti-global warming hysteria is warming up with the approach of Earth Day on April 22.
ABC's Good Morning America was actually running a Countdown to Earth…
March 18, 2008
It's Damage Control Time for the liberal press.
Count New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof as one in the media masses who have been outraged, just outraged at the supposed conservative bigotry against Barack Obama. This "most monstrous…
February 22, 2008
Since 1991, the Dove Foundation has been encouraging American movie studios to make uplifting, positive entertainment with its Family Approved Seal. This year, they've launched a new initiative, an annual awards presentation akin to the Academy…
February 6, 2008
Editors at CosmoGirl would do well to remember that when they point at somebody else, three fingers are pointing back at them.
The popular teen magazine tackled the question “What is Sexy?” in the March 2008 issue, bemoaning the increased…
February 5, 2008
The media's obsession with Britney Spears is lining the pockets of celebrity magazine publishers, celebrity TV shows, photographers and others, but it's costing Los Angeles taxpayers.
The latest incident, which took place early Thursday morning,…