August 15, 2008
Here are two seemingly unrelated facts:
1. Comedienne Ellen DeGeneres and her girlfriend Portia de Rossi will get married in California this weekend.
2. One of the platform planks for the Democrats at this year's convention includes language to…
March 24, 2008
As usual, Lenten season was time to cue up the media attacks on Christianity and faith.
One of the most offensive blows in the annual Easter faith-flagellation fest came from Comedy Central on a show called Root of All Evil. Comedian-prosecutors…
March 14, 2008
In the wake of revelations that New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was involved with a prostitution ring, the mainstream media have seen fit to offer countless breathless features on high-priced call girls. It has taken three days for the press to…
January 2, 2008
In the liberal media's ongoing campaign to make same-sex “marriage” a civil right comes the latest strategy: Bemoan the difficulties faced by homosexual couples “married” in Massachusetts who now want a divorce.
According to The Washington Post,…
April 24, 2007
In his April 23 story, “Drawing a Line from Movie to Murder,” New York Times movie reviewer A.O. Scott turns a blind eye toward the evidence as he seeks to debunk people who argue that Seung-Hui Cho was influenced by the violence that pervades our…
November 10, 2009
As we survey the horror of the Ft. Hood massacre, it might be useful to remember that we've been here before, with another shooting 16 years ago. The circumstances were very different, but the reaction of the media and other elite – the excusing,…
December 9, 2009
What’s that hissing sound? Al Gore’s fuse? Steam coming from Barbara Boxer’s ears?
Probably, but mostly, it’s the sound of gas escaping the climate change balloondoggle. Assuredly, there’s no shortage of UN envirocrats ready and willing to plug…
August 5, 2009
So Democrats don’t like all those ads for prescription drugs on T.V. – the ones for high cholesterol, enlarged prostates, dry eyes and, yes, ED. On C-Span recently, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, D., Calif., said “a lot…
June 8, 2009
It’s small wonder the fawning media continue to note how “confident” and “cool” the new president is in office. The Sun King has assumed the throne and found it to his liking. Barack “L’État c’est Moi” Obama is a company man in a company town – a…
May 27, 2009
To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. To a community organizer, every citizen looks like a victim entitled to someone else’s money.
The Obama campaign and administration has proved that again and again. But both the president and…