May 2, 2017
What do Twitter, liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg and his media empire have to do with each other? A lot, now.
Starting in fall 2017, Bloomberg will be managing a 24 hour streaming news channel on Twitter. The feed will be “live…
May 4, 2017
A surprising report from the George Soros-funded Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) revealed several scientists oppose the way the media have tried to blame hurricanes on man-made climate change.
CJR used the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to…
May 9, 2017
Editor's Note: The original version of this story was published before ProPublica deleted its tweet and issued a correction. The story has been changed to reflect those updates.
After Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt…
May 10, 2017
Cosmo Magazine should stick to bad beauty tips and leave climate change to others.
“Tiffany & Co. Wants Donald Trump to Address Climate Change,” Cosmo Magazine writer Rachel Torgerson gushed on May 9. But her story lacked critical…
May 11, 2017
Republicans are the absolute worst! According to the leftist Noam Chomsky, anyway.
The self-proclaimed anarchist MIT professor declared on May 10 Republicans were not only “the most dangerous organisation on earth,” but the most…
May 15, 2017
In an entertainment and media world dominated by liberals, Dilbert comic artist Scott Adams is a breath of fresh air.
Sunday’s Dilbert cartoon mocked climate scientists for calling climate change skeptics “deniers,” when the…
May 15, 2017
Throughout Barack Obama’s presidency, the broadcast networks desperately tried to put a positive spin on the weakest economic recovery since World War II. But now that unemployment is predicted to drop below 4 percent, they are silent.
May 17, 2017
As President Donald Trump’s presidency has progressed, so have media allegations against him.
“The media have, who campaigned more aggressively against Trump than Hillary did, have increased it since the election,” MRC Vice…
May 23, 2017
While the networks mentioned the investment agreements President Donald Trump signed with Saudi Arabia, they failed to explain the positive economic impact.
Saudi Arabia and U.S. based-companies, including Lockheed Martin, General Electric and…
May 24, 2017
Climate alarmist Michael Mann thinks the attacks on his climate science and his credibility are akin to Nazi persecution.
Speaking at the May 13, commencement address of Green Mountain College, Penn State Meteorology professor Michael Mann borrowed…