August 15, 2007
If you want to know how to obtain carbon salvation, the September 2007 issue of Marie Claire magazine might be the publication worth reading for tips on how to avoid “carbon emissions hell” and how to not “[drown] polar…
December 2, 2008
Give the auto companies billions of dollars or Americans will all be lining up for soup.
At least that was the warning from the mayor of Lansing, Mich. “You know this is a sure prescription to…
November 13, 2008
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced Nov. 12 that he would be redirecting the $700 billion bailout to focus on propping up financial institutions instead of buying troubled mortgage assets, which was the original…
April 8, 2010
Liberal commentator Nancy Skinner conceded there is one issue the right is right on – the value-added tax (VAT) is an absurd idea.Skinner who is a regular guest on the Fox Business Network, stated April 7 that the VAT will do absolutely nothing to…
April 7, 2010
Jesse Jackson, the civil rights leader, has moved on from the health care debate and found a new oppressed, downtrodden minority: student loan recipients. And naturally, the Huffington Post was happy to afford “the Reverend” a platform for his…
October 30, 2008
Every holiday season people travel and the media celebrate the yearly tradition of complaining about how much airfare costs have increased.
CBS’s “The Early Show” got an early start on the…
March 24, 2010
And you thought a couple of plucky young conservative activists with a camera brought down ACORN. Nope. It’s the arch-conservative New York Times that did in the noble community organizing group, or so says The Huffington Post in “Why ACORN Fell:…
March 22, 2010
Overshadowed in the ObamaCare shenanigans the past few weeks are provisions weaved into the Democratic health bill that would require all federal student loans to originate with the government – the largest overhaul in decades.On the morning after…
October 23, 2008
When Tony the Tiger gets fired, we’ll know biofuel mandates have taken their toll.
Correspondent Susan Koeppen said on “The Early Show” Oct. 23 consumers would be “paying more and getting less…
March 2, 2010
Oliver Stone’s latest attack on American capitalism – “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” is finally hitting theaters April, 2010, twenty-three years after its predecessor. According to Michael Lewis, who interviewed the moviemaker for his latest…