March 14, 2016
Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton recently admitted her policies would put a certain group of people out of work, which could cost her support if the liberal media reported it.
At a CNN/TV One town hall event in Ohio on March 13,…
November 17, 2016
Peaceful protest is a protected right in America.
Trespassing on private property, tire slashing, damaging equipment, arson, Molotov cocktail-throwing and shooting at police are not acts of protest. They are crimes. Even eco-terrorism. Yet, the…
December 6, 2016
If you scream loud and long enough for a liberal cause, the media listen. Pipeline opponents dominated network reporting of the Obama administration’s decision to refuse permission for a section of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).
February 2, 2017
California’s “exceptional drought” isn’t exceptionally bad any more. Winter storms have been good for the state, pulling it out of the worst rating from the U.S. Drought Monitor. However, this “huge improvement”…
February 22, 2017
Authorities ordered the temporary evacuation of almost 200,000 people living near the Oroville Dam in California after spillway damage and erosion caused fear of death and devastation.
However, as The Mercury News reported Feb. 12, this spillway…
July 27, 2017
The liberal media love Former Vice President Al Gore, the politician turned climate “crusader.” So much so that one of the biggest media companies in the nation — Viacom — is throwing its massive weight behind his new movie…
November 27, 2018
If you’ve been tuned into TV news the past few days, you’ve probably heard “climate change could strip away 10 percent” of U.S economic growth by 2100. What you likely didn’t hear was why that was an “embarrassing…
December 5, 2018
France’s increasingly violent “yellow vest” protests began as grassroots, working-class opposition to a fuel tax hike that was promoted by the government as climate change action. But network stories about the protests ignored the…
March 11, 2019
Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg won’t be running for president in 2020, but the billionaire media mogul has vowed to continue trying to eradicate the coal industry. He’s also promised to target oil and gas.
Left-wing Think Progress…
March 28, 2019
A melting glacier in Greenland has reversed course, adding ice mass and shocking scientists. But since it’s supposed to be part of global warming, it’s “bad news” even when the glacier added ice.
When it was losing ice, the…