August 17, 2016
NBC Chairman Bob Greenblatt slammed presidential candidate Donald Trump, calling him "toxic" and "demented," after his network spend more than a decade building his image.
In a Facebook post he later deleted, Greenblatt lamented…
August 18, 2016
Overreaction and panic are typical of the environmentalist left. Cosmopolitan magazine proved it again as they ordered people to stop consuming avocados ... for the trees’ sake.
“You need to stop eating avocados, right now,…
August 22, 2016
When CNBC’s Joe Kernen calls someone out for liberal bias, it is usually one of his colleagues. This time, he hit ABC This Week anchor George Stephanopoulos.
“I love when Steph goes after the Republicans, man. He's tough. He is…
August 24, 2016
One of the liberal media’s favorite Hollywood actors, Leonardo DiCaprio, intended to host a fundraiser in his home for Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton.
However, he backed out and the fundraiser was moved to Justin Timberlake…
August 24, 2016
MRC’s Dan Gainor rebuffed Clinton campaign complaints of distortion on the part of Associated Press due to recent reporting on the Clinton Foundation scandal.
On Aug. 23, AP reported that a disturbing amount of Clinton’s meetings as…
August 31, 2016
Networks vilified a drug company and its CEO for the high price of life-saving allergy medicine, all while ignoring government actions which enabled the company’s monopoly, contributed to rising costs and increased demand.
August 31, 2016
The Washington Post’s Wonkblog presented another way for liberals to hate on masculinity by connecting masculinity to a liberal cause du jour: climate change.
“Your manliness could be hurting the planet,” reporter Danielle…
August 31, 2016
Want to win an award for “distinguished environmental journalism?”
Just make sure to work for an organization that gets anti-oil and gas funding from the same source as the prize and the university awarding that prize. Oh ... and one of…
September 1, 2016
A Wall Street Journal columnist had strong words for the NY attorney general’s fight against ExxonMobil.
“Their whole schtick now is to find enemies, and attack the enemies,” Journal columnist Holman Jenkins said of the climate…
September 2, 2016
1. Major Media Outlet Employees Part of CWAThe Communications Workers of America union represents 700,000 workers including members of the news media, including broadcast and cable TV employees and The Newspaper Guild’s 34,000 print…