December 3, 2015
One-sided and overwhelmingly biased coverage of climate change wasn’t enough for the news industry publication Columbia Journalism Review.
On Dec. 1, CJR contributing editor Cristine Russell actually claimed “climate change has often…
December 4, 2015
Biofuels should serve as an instructive lesson for negotiators in Paris, because they are proof that not all energy sources work as well as anticipated. But journalists are unlikely to remind them or the public.
The early 2000s were the heyday of…
December 16, 2015
In recent weeks, thousands of negotiators from 196 governments met in Paris “for a major conference on climate change” attempting to reach an agreement for every country to lower its greenhouse gas emissions: emissions climate alarmists…
December 21, 2015
Objective journalism is so old-fashioned. Activism is the new objectivity, at least where the liberal media are concerned.
Rather than reporting as neutral outsiders on matters of race, CNN hosts and guest actually put their hands up in the “…
December 22, 2015
Editor’s Note: CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The left and entertainment press have had a field day whining about how much more Harrison Ford was paid for his role in The Force Awakens compared to costars and series…
January 25, 2016
2016 was supposedly the “point of no return” for taking action on global warming, according to former Vice President Al Gore. His tipping point received widespread scorn on the right, resulting in an “Armageddon” clock posted…
February 10, 2016
The Supreme Court dealt a “major blow” to the Obama administration and the president’s climate agenda late on Feb. 9. NBC, the “Green is Universal” network ignored it entirely. CBS and ABC gave the ruling short shrift…
February 11, 2016
Warning of imminent danger from man-made climate change wasn’t enough for climate alarmists. Now, a new study has warned of 10,000 years of destruction or more if action isn’t taken against fossil fuels.
Left-wing site Common Dreams and…
February 18, 2016
Liberal New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is displeased with many of the “leading candidates” in the 2016 election, but made a nasty off-topic remark to bash conservative tax reform leader Grover Norquist in a recent column.…
February 24, 2016
The tiny northern Pennsylvania town of Dimock has been the site of a battle over natural gas drilling for several years. Some residents claimed the drilling contaminated their water, and they sued Cabot Oil & Gas in a battle that gained national…