July 17, 2007
The Iraq War is too expensive. Americans would be better off spending it on schools and hospitals. That’s the word from CNN’s July 14 “Your $$$$$” or “Your Money” program.
“This is a…
July 11, 2007
Sweltering heat is sweeping the nation, ushering in fears that the “slammed” power grid won’t be able to meet the demands of consumers desperate to keep cool.
But as much as journalists now…
June 25, 2007
CNN’s “In the Money” offered a special slant on business news June 23 – a slant leaning left.
Far left.
In the first 16 minutes of the supposed business show, it…
June 26, 2007
Using background music that would be better suited for a “Dateline” story about a tragic teen death, NBC’s “Today” show launched the latest attack on the student loan industry.
“You would…
June 20, 2007
Environmentalism is hip, green celebrities are “very sexy” and saving the planet is “simple,” according to the media.
The deluge of celebrity books, films and even rock concerts is making…
June 13, 2007
It’s graduation season again. Time for college graduates to go find jobs that will pay their bills, and for many that will include a student loan payment.
Student loans make a college education…
June 13, 2007
Americans work hard for their money. Too hard, according to CNN. Even worse than even grovelling medieval peasants scratching the land to survive.
That conclusion came from reporter Polly Labarre of…
June 6, 2007
On paper, it’s a match made in heaven. The proposed marriage of the business-savvy Wall Street Journal and the savvy businessman Rupert Murdoch was celebrated by investors and denounced by journalists.
May 30, 2007
It’s déjà vu all over again. Rising gas prices and oil companies’ “record profits” fuel an almost yearly call for investigations into “price gouging.” The media then complain of alleged wrongdoing and fail to ask intelligent…
May 23, 2007
What’s on your menu this Memorial Day weekend?
If you thought about grilled steaks, barbequed chicken, burgers, hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad, deviled eggs, chips, cake, soda or beer,…