October 8, 2009
With President Obama seeking to nationalize more and more private industry, Michael Moore promoting his latest socialist agit-prop and the left gleefully proclaiming the death of capitalism, a documentary special airing tonight offers a welcome…
September 24, 2009
Millionaire Michael Moore says capitalism is evil and that the entire system should be thrown out for one that is “democratic” and “fair.”That’s the overarching message of Moore’s new documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story,” which will be widely…
October 5, 2009
The real problem with U.S. health care is a “misalignment of the American system,” at least according to The Washington Post. Post staff writer Ceci Connolly presented that perspective Sept. 29 in her article: “In Delivering Care, More Isn't Always…
January 2, 2009
On its website, Time Magazine has published a “Dirty Dozen” list of things and people “guilty” for our current economic woes. With 12 chances to assign blame, Time had 12 shots at fairness and journalistic balance. It failed all 12 times. …
September 9, 2009
Despite an unemployment rate of nearly 10 percent, the Obama administration has claimed its stimulus package is working and economic recovery is on its way.At a Labor Day picnic Sept. 7, Obama accused administration critics of having “selective…
September 3, 2009
How little would a CEO have to make to avoid the media’s cries of “wretched excess?” That’s hard to say given the constant calls for pay caps by journalists.CNN “American Morning” beat that drum again on Sept. 3 when co-anchor John Roberts asked…
August 26, 2009
The threat of a government-run public option plan in health care legislation was frightening enough to spur thousands of people to attend town hall meetings across the country and voice their dissent, sometimes angrily.Now legislators and the…
August 21, 2009
Since when can something work and not work at the same time?According to “American Morning” co-host John Roberts, that’s what has happened with the government auto rebate program Cash for Clunkers that ends Aug. 24. Since when can something work and…
August 19, 2009
While the uproar over a government-run public option continues in Washington, D.C. and around the country, one Democratic congressman is pushing for an even more drastic “takeover” of health care.Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., told MSNBC’s “Morning…
August 18, 2009
After reports suggested that the Obama administration would relent and give up on a public option provision in a health care reform bill, NBC medical editor Nancy Snyderman sided with Democrat Howard Dean on behalf of public option.Snyderman…