November 13, 2009
J.P. Morgan Chase is the second-largest U.S. bank, but its CEO spoke out on Nov. 13 to condemn the policy of bailing out banks which are “too big to fail.”Jamie Dimon wrote in the Washington Post that even his bank should accept the risk of failure…
November 12, 2009
Capitalism may “offer” freedom, but it doesn’t provide it according to British actor and liberal activist Ian McKellen.McKellen was discussing his latest role as “Number Two,” in AMC’s reinvention of the Cold War show “The Prisoner.” The liberal…
November 4, 2009
Ford Motor Company took everyone by “surprise” Nov. 2, when it announced nearly a billion dollars in profit for the third quarter of 2009. The company also said it would be “solidly profitable” by 2011.CNN repeated the announcement on Nov. 3 “…
November 11, 2009
The media gave President Obama credit during the campaign for promising not to raise taxes on the middle class. He was on the trail in New Hampshire when he made a “firm pledge” not to raise taxes on any family “making less than $250,000 a year.”…
October 28, 2009
The debate over health care legislation has raged for months. One line of attack coming from liberal politicians on the network news is that insurance companies simply make too much money.From “The Chris Matthews Show” to network appearances by…
October 15, 2009
Michael Moore makes propaganda movies and many in the news media embraced his latest screed against the free markets: “Capitalism: A Love Story.” To NBC, hating capitalism makes Moore a go-to expert for Wall Street bashing.“Today” interviewed Moore…
October 12, 2009
America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), an insurance lobbying group, just released its own cost estimate of the health care reform bill currently in the Senate Finance Committee’s hands.CNN’s Christine Romans criticized the report calling it a “…
September 24, 2009
Millionaire Michael Moore says capitalism is evil and that the entire system should be thrown out for one that is “democratic” and “fair.”That’s the overarching message of Moore’s new documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story,” which will be widely…
September 9, 2009
Despite an unemployment rate of nearly 10 percent, the Obama administration has claimed its stimulus package is working and economic recovery is on its way.At a Labor Day picnic Sept. 7, Obama accused administration critics of having “selective…
September 3, 2009
How little would a CEO have to make to avoid the media’s cries of “wretched excess?” That’s hard to say given the constant calls for pay caps by journalists.CNN “American Morning” beat that drum again on Sept. 3 when co-anchor John Roberts asked…