May 16, 2007
Mayday – Latin dictator has seized control of American oil fields owned by Chevron, ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil and is about to take over the media.
That’s exactly what happened May 1 in…
May 11, 2007
Colin Beavan – the man forgoing electricity, carbon-emitting transportation and toilet paper – was flatteringly featured on ABC’s “Nightline” on May 10. But not once did the program mention his “radical experiment” is done…
August 20, 2007
Charles Gibson highlighted two San Franciscans’ carbon footprints on the May 9 “World News with Charles Gibson,” but hypocritically traveled to San Francisco for the report.
The “Going Green”…
May 9, 2007
“Eight states have no laws at all regulating these vehicles, 12 others have no minimum riding age, so now some senators want to consider federal restrictions,” said consumer correspondent Elisabeth Leamy.
May 4, 2007
“Business is Back,” blares the headline, accompanied by a cover graphic of a fist punching through the page of the May 14 issue of Fortune magazine.
“No CEO dares say it, yet it must be said:…
May 3, 2007
Both ABC and CBS evening news programs praised a new drug that could save lives threatened by osteoporosis. But they didn’t say what company spent years and millions of dollars developing it.
April 25, 2007
ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” fanned flames of class warfare with a story about the high incomes of hedge fund managers, leaving out how much these individuals must be paying in taxes or how much profit they had made…
March 30, 2007
Crime victims can’t catch a break. “American Morning” anchor Soledad O’Brien accused TJX Cos., the parent of T.J. Maxx and Marshalls, of dishonesty in the March 30 broadcast after the company had suffered a massive data…
March 28, 2007
Media coverage of housing is booming again. This time, it’s the Shocked and Victimized Homebuyers versus the Big Bad Loan Companies.
As the subprime lending “crisis” has gone primetime, the…
March 19, 2007
The student loan business might be taking advantage of college students, according to ABC “World News,” but viewers will just have to trust the network about the particulars.
Anchor Dan Harris…