October 30, 2006
The latest “In the Money” was just another skirmish in CNN’s pre-election war on the U.S. economy – supplying an almost exclusively negative take on economic, health care, wages and education issues.
Firing the first shot, host Jack…
October 19, 2006
Lou Dobbs’s hour-long special “War on the Middle Class” should have been titled “Vote for Bigger Government This Election Year.”
With barely an attempt at journalistic objectivity, against the backdrop "America Votes 2006," the October 18…
October 10, 2006
It took the Department of Labor several months to locate 810,000 new jobs it had overlooked – but network news still hasn’t found them, despite the agency’s report on October 6.
The employment report was full of positive news:…
September 28, 2006
The Dow Jones industrial average closed only 34 points away from its record high September 27, yet “NBC Nightly News” found a cloud to hide that silver lining.
“Wall Street is riding high on a wave of confidence about the economy,” said…
October 17, 2007
This week marks the unhappy milestone of Black Monday for Wall Street, which had some journalists warning “it could” happen again. Even if it doesn’t, the media hammered home the prospect of a possible recession.
The Dow Jones Industrial…
May 8, 2007
Both CBS “Evening News” and ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” reported that the national average price for gasoline was “just two cents short of the record.”
But the networks’ two cents were wrong.
Gasoline prices, which both…
May 2, 2007
As a major stock index rose to “uncharted territory,” the media collectively frowned instead of celebrating.
After 9/11 the stock markets plunged, but they began to recover after the passage of the 2003 Bush tax cuts. The Dow climbed back…
April 26, 2007
You can’t get much more ironic than wanting more funding for federal food grants for obese people. But that was essentially what Dr. Sanjay Gupta pushed on CNN “American Morning.”
“WIC is on the chopping block,” said the CNN chief medical…
April 25, 2007
Last week after tragedy struck Virginia Tech and a gunman took 32 innocent lives, the media portrayed legal businesses as complicit in the murders.
The media coverage quickly turned into a raging debate about gun control, with reporters…
April 20, 2007
The Christian Science Monitor gave a green thumbs up to a recent EPA decision mandating emission standards for new lawnmowers. It downplayed one detail about the increased regulation – higher costs.
“[H]elp is on the way. Thanks to a new…