March 5, 2013
rising price affects the American psyche like skyrocketing gas prices.
After all, many people drive past one or more gas stations each and
every day, making it impossible not to see the prices soar. Then when
the weekly, or bi-weekly fill up…
April 3, 2013
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found further
evidence that childhood vaccines and autism are “not related,” in spite
of high profile anti-vaccination voices like actress Jenny McCarthy and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.The…
April 12, 2013
From the March 18 beginning of the Kermit Gosnell trial until April 12, CNN devoted exactly 24 seconds to the former abortionist's clinic of horrors. In contrast, the network
spent over 18 minutes on Tuesday discussing the controversy over Brad…
April 15, 2013
Several years ago, CBS’s “60 Minutes,” CNN and The New York Times
tarred Chevron with biased reporting about a lawsuit between the oil
company and an “eco-radical” group called Amazon Defense Coalition
this past weekend (April 12-14)…
May 8, 2013
villagers are upset and ready to fight to protect their rainforest
homeland, from the government of Ecuador which has “launched a new oil
boom,” according to NBC’s Ann Curry. But Curry turned this battle into
an attack on the U.S. and…
May 31, 2013
Wall Street and the class warfare diatribes of the 99 percent are
making fewer national headlines, but their ideas are crowding movie
theaters this month. Three May 2013 releases all call to mind the
Zuccotti Park crowd’s grievances…
June 14, 2013
of a possible July 1 interest rate hike for federally subsidized
student loans, a coalition of liberal and education groups announced a “Social Media Day of Action” to demand congressional intervention.Of
the many groups involved in the…
June 25, 2013
Recent years’ slowdown in global warming completely ignored by networks 92 climate change stories in 2013.Stories citing experts or the latest studies promoting alarmism get covered more than 8 times as often as critical experts and studies.Although…
June 26, 2013
a speech June 25, President Barack Obama called for the Environmental
Protection Agency to put limits for carbon dioxide emissions on power
plants, higher fuel efficiency standards, more taxpayer-backed loans for
renewable energy companiesHis…
July 12, 2013
Rolling Stone magazine really ought to stick to music and entertainment, instead of trying to get into science fiction. In it’s latest issue, the magazine presented the fictional destruction of Miami due to rising seas and climate change, which…