April 26, 2007
You can’t get much more ironic than wanting more funding for federal food grants for obese people. But that was essentially what Dr. Sanjay Gupta pushed on CNN “American Morning.”
“WIC is on the chopping block,” said the CNN chief medical…
April 25, 2007
Last week after tragedy struck Virginia Tech and a gunman took 32 innocent lives, the media portrayed legal businesses as complicit in the murders.
The media coverage quickly turned into a raging debate about gun control, with reporters…
April 20, 2007
The Christian Science Monitor gave a green thumbs up to a recent EPA decision mandating emission standards for new lawnmowers. It downplayed one detail about the increased regulation – higher costs.
“[H]elp is on the way. Thanks to a new…
April 19, 2007
“Good Morning America” weatherman Sam Champion gushed on April 19 in a report about an “eco-friendly” house and green home furnishings, but buried even the mildest mention of the costs.
“There’s many simple, even money-saving ways that we…
April 18, 2007
There is more than a few letters different between “silent” and “silenced.”
In the case of “lost credibility” of “almost silenced,” climate scientists who disagree with Al Gore’s climate consensus, BusinessWeek gave the credit to “…
April 18, 2007
Green activism is all the rage these days, with events taking up so much calendar space you might need a separate one just to keep track – just be sure it’s printed on post-consumer recycled paper, of course.
Many of these events, like…
April 13, 2007
With tax filing deadlines just around the corner, “American Morning” focused on the alternative minimum tax, a parallel tax structure that struck about 3.5 million taxpayers last year.
Business reporter Ali Velshi explained on the April…
April 11, 2007
Several vocal members of Congress are calling for Alternative Minimum Tax reform, claiming to rescue the middle class. What the media aren’t telling you is that these are the same politicians who helped created this monster.
Look at…
April 6, 2007
“There is a danger lurking in millions of kitchens,” warned CNN anchor Kiran Chetry on the April 6 “American Morning.”
Chetry was teasing reporter Greg Hunter’s story on the need for even more government regulation, this time for stove…
April 5, 2007
As one of the greatest tournaments in golf got under way on April 5, the front page of The Washington Post sports section complained about fair ways.
Not fairways, which have been lengthened in recent years to adjust for improved golf…