May 8, 2019
Vice Media just got some help from the biggest funder of the left: billionaire George Soros.
The edgy and controversial liberal media company raised $250 million in debt from a group of investors including Soros Fund Management LLC, 23 Capital,…
May 9, 2019
A week is not a long time. It’s only 1/52nd of a year. But eco-warriors determined to be rid of fossil fuels will latch on to anything to try to prove renewables can shoulder the demand for energy.
Think Progress and EcoWatch did just that on…
May 13, 2019
Fewer people are now in favor of the Green New Deal and the disappointment of The Washington Post was palpable.
It turned out that once more people knew more about the socialist fantasy to save the planet (and give away a bunch of other stuff),…
May 17, 2019
Just when it seemed The Guardian couldn’t become even more biased on climate issues than it already was, it announced updates to its “style guide” to even more extreme language on the subject.
The British paper announced on May 17…
May 22, 2019
Liberal billionaire George Soros gives millions each year to fund a left-wing media empire that promotes far-left opinions. It’s only natural that some of those Soros-funded or Soros-linked media are pushing the eco-socialist Green New Deal…
May 24, 2019
Even CNBC's more liberal anchor wasn't thrilled with newly announced plans from Democratic candidates to tax Wall Street transactions.
Reporter Ylan Mui told Squawk Box viewers on May 23 about plans from liberal candidates Sen.…
May 24, 2019
Every year, Memorial Day reminds us of the strength and honor of the men and women who lost their lives in battle. That attitude clearly influenced Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis’ thoughts as he vowed earlier this week to never let the…
May 28, 2019
Not content solely to use the offensive “climate denier” term against dissenting views on climate change, a Guardian writer adopted the term “extinction deniers” in a tirade against skeptics on May 23.
Contributing writer…
May 29, 2019
The New York Times continued the left’s efforts to pit the haves against the have-nots with a business section cover story complaining about CEO pay.
Times reporter Peter Eavis credited the “solid economy” for improving corporate…
May 30, 2019
It is becoming likely that a controversial star-spangled banner in North Carolina will continue to wave over Gander RV in Statesville.
The city said that its leaders will consider amending an ordinance regulating the size of flags flying in a…