September 2, 2011
Ahead of the Sept. 2 release of the August jobs report, surveys had indicated the economy had added anywhere from 75,000 to 100,000 jobs that month. But those estimates turned out to be very wrong. Just minutes ahead of the release, CNBC's Rick…
September 1, 2011
President Obama announced liberal Princeton economist Alan Krueger as his new pick to chair the White House Council of Economic Advisers, as the president prepares for a speech on jobs after Labor Day.
The broadcast networks said nothing about the…
August 22, 2011
While campaigning President Obama promised to create 5 million "green" jobs, and shortly into his term he announced a "task force" to do just that. His stimulus package included tax credits for renewable energy companies, allotted funds for…
August 11, 2011
Media Back Democrat Push Against S…
July 25, 2011
With so many media reports focused on getting a deficit ceiling deal and competing plans to "slash spending," you might be surprised to learn that "spending cut plans don't cut spending."
The liberal news media have been tossing around phrases…
July 14, 2011
The 2010 elections, which changed the balance of power in the House, were driven by popular opposition to government spending, debt and the threat of tax increases. Yet even with the federal debt limit already breached and only days left to prevent…
July 8, 2011
A senior political adviser to the Obama administration said on July 6 that in 2012, people won't be voting based on the unemployment rate, according to The Hill newspaper.
Of course, adviser David Plouffe said that two days before the June jobs…
July 7, 2011
Pick up a copy of Newsweek, The New York Times or turn on any of the three broadcast networks and it isn't difficult to see how biased U.S. media outlets are on climate issues.But, according to some in academia and the U.S. and European news…
June 10, 2011
Even liberals are starting to notice that the economic "recovery" President Obama and the media claimed was happening, isn't. So perhaps it's no surprise that Henry Blodget and economics editor Dan Gross of Yahoo! Finance tried to find a way to…
May 23, 2011
Al Gore's "Live Earth: The Concerts for a Climate in Crisis," were his attempt to reach the entire globe with his alarmist message. Rather than merely report on the concerts, NBC went to great lengths to promote them and threw away any pretense of…