September 17, 2008
When Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin claimed she defeated the infamous Alaskan “Bridge to Nowhere” earmark, the Democratic nominees and network, cable and print journalists rushed to “fact check” her statement.
September 9, 2008
Technological glitches can come with a high price tag – as United Airlines found out on September 8.
According to The Washington Post, a six-year-old Chicago Tribune article about the airline’s 2002 bankruptcy was archived without a date…
September 5, 2008
Readers familiar with Time magazine’s global warming alarmism might have expected the publication to name climate change the culprit being worsening natural disasters. But they’d be wrong.
On September 3, Time.com examined “Why Disasters…
September 3, 2008
As Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., accepted his party’s nomination for president he warned of an American economy in “turmoil.” Throughout convention week the news media helped reinforce Obama’s negative perspective.
During the Democratic…
September 2, 2008
Sex sells, even during a presidential election. But that doesn’t mean journalists have to be happy about it.
CNBC’s “Squawk Box” co-host Joe Kernan took a moment during a panel discussion September 2 to take a shot at the onslaught of…
August 25, 2008
An opponent of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama’s health care proposal is a “bad person” in Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell’s book, even if that opponent is Sen. Hillary Clinton.
“Hillary has fought for universal health-…
August 7, 2008
How do you make the foreclosure crisis seem even scarier? Add in a potentially deadly virus.
CBS’s “The Early Show,” reported August 7 that a new stronger strain of the West Nile virus could spread across the country with help from the…
July 25, 2008
“[Europe] wants to see an [American] president committed to free trade,” cautioned CNN Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour from Berlin, Germany, the site of a speech by presumptive Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama.
July 16, 2008
Another billion-dollar taxpayer bailout is on the horizon with the trouble at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but you won’t find much criticism of the mortgage giants on the networks despite repeated warnings about the lenders’ high-risk behavior…
July 14, 2008
According to one energy security expert, unless prosperity exists people simply will not care about climate change. Gal Luft, executive director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, said on July 11 that the poor have other…