May 28, 2020
President Donald Trump is right that social media companies have been targeting conservatives. Twitter, in particular, has been engaging in a relentless attack on the American political process by censoring conservatives.
Now that has escalated to…
December 6, 2022
As a top lawyer for Twitter, Jim Baker had a duty to his client to put Twitter’s ethics above his own.
But he apparently failed.
Twitter had intended to publish its second batch of internal files on the company’s handling of the Hunter Biden…
October 19, 2020
In a press call with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Media Research Center founder and President Brent Bozell referred to Big Tech’s censorship of the Hunter Biden emails story as “simply an unacceptable proposition.”
Cruz stated, “The problem with big tech…
October 29, 2020
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said “We haven’t censored the U.S. president.” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) proved him wrong by referencing a Media Research Center study during yesterday’s Senate hearing discussing Big Tech bias.
The senator told Twitter…