July 29, 2009
Since Congressmen do not even read the bills they pass anymore, Barbara Walters asked the question on many Americans’ minds about healthcare “reform”: “What is the bill? Does anyone know?” A valid question, but unfortunately, “The View” turned to a…
July 21, 2009
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has found that the current plan for healthcare reform will add to the nation’s deficit and drive healthcare costs up, not down. However, House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-SC, and disgraced former CBS…
June 15, 2009
The media’s obsession with chemicals in children’s products has led to a national health scare over the chemical bisphenol A (BPA). It’s a scare the rest of the world sees as unnecessary and irrelevant, according to a new study by the Statistical…
June 1, 2009
As GM filed for a long expected bankruptcy under Chapter 11 on June 1, CBS’s “The Early Show” offered a report this morning that failed to acknowledge key facts and opinions regarding the bankruptcy and the role of the federal government and the…
August 1, 2022
On Thursday, the Biden Administration reported that two key measures show inflation has risen significantly, further fueling surging prices – and economics professors are warning that, if passed, Democrat’s Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will make…
August 9, 2022
Americans overwhelming doubt that Democrats’ $740 billion “Inflation Reduction Act” will actually do what its title promises – including four of five self-described Democrats – results of a new YouGov survey of U.S. citizens reveal.
December 23, 2022
A bank tried to use his loan application as leverage to coerce him into publicly expressing support for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ideology, businessman Bud Brigham alleged in testimony at a Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs…
January 20, 2023
“Once upon a time, if it was a Disney movie, you knew it was going to be safe for children,” Media Research Center (MRC) Founder and President Brent Bozell says at the beginning of a new documentary, “Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom,” set to premiere…
April 13, 2021
A number of major news organizations worldwide, ranging from Scientific American and The Columbia Journalism Review to The Guardian and Al Jazeera, have signed a pledge to begin referring to “climate change”…
June 30, 2011
On Saturday, June 25, 2011, thousands flooded the streets to celebrate the passage of New York's law permitting same-sex marriage. Amongst those who put on their party hats to rejoice were the media, who for years now have unashamedly supported…