June 15, 2012
the original “Dallas” debuted in 1978, times have changed. Texas has
prospered but the liberal agenda against big oil stayed the same. TNT’s
“Dallas” remake introduced the Ewing family feud with a twist, and the
rest of the season is set…
September 24, 2008
Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on Our Children by Philip and Alice Shabecoff. Hardcover. 368 pages. Random House. List price $26.00.
There’s a cartoon that ran in the New Yorker a couple of years ago. Two cavemen are sitting cross-…
January 9, 2009
Nobel laureate on arcane trade matters, former Enron adviser, and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is at it again.
In his latest Times column ("The Obama Gap"), he chides President-elect Barack Obama for not being ambitious enough in his…