February 28, 2012
There is a question David Gregory didn’t ask California Gov. Jerry “Déjà vu” Brown on NBC’s “Meet the
Press” this past Sunday. Gov. Brown said that the solution to our porous
southern border is not to seal it but to “invest” in Mexico! To “…
March 30, 2012
Here is a simple story any news media type could manage or a candidate like Governor Romney should be able to tell.I just came back from travels in Florida. I was in Key West, a place literally made possible entirely by private investment, notably…
December 20, 2006
When Santa came to Wall Street this year, the media cried and pouted.
With the Dow Jones Industrial Average at an all-time high and commodities markets experiencing one of…
September 6, 2006
As images of hurricane victims filled the nation’s TV screens last September, network reporters and contributors painted the war on poverty as “ignored and lost.” But when the poverty rate recently showed an end to its four-…
June 17, 2006
The three broadcast networks have focused growing attention on inflation recently – 42 stories since early May. CBS anchor Bob Schieffer declared on June 14 “Well, it is back, inflation, that is.” The following day, ABC’s…
December 9, 2009
A number of business owners have let me know of their new annoyance. They’re taking umbrage. The Great and Powerful Ozbama has chosen a new demon: the small business community. Not long ago, the rhetoric was about the need to assist small business.…
April 4, 2012
The ignorance of the general public was on display during
the April 1 “Meet the Press.” During
that broadcast, a very recent AARP conference call was mentioned, in which the
#1 question voiced by seniors about Obamacare was whether or not it…
April 7, 2010
Here’s a largely unreported story: Stuffed inside the health care reform bill is a measure summarily throwing private lending institutions out of the college loan business. That business is being taken over by the federal government, with purported…
April 23, 2012
I have a simple question for the media:The hand-wringing and protestations about states forcing or attempting to force people to show photo ID before voting continues. It is loudest and most persistent from Al Sharpton on MSNBC, but it is widespread…
December 12, 2011
For two
weeks since hurricane Katrina made landfall, Americas media have
been presenting startling images of an impoverished New Orleans.
Unfortunately, many journalists have been as inaccurate with their…