December 21, 2007
The Commerce Department confirmed that gross domestic product grew at a 4.9 percent pace in the third quarter – a four-year high. Instead of hailing the increase, journalists downplayed it and adopted economic gloom as their…
December 20, 2007
The dictionary definition is of “consensus” is a general agreement or unanimity of opinion. When former Vice President and global warming scare-monger Al Gore says “consensus,” it means a general agreement or unanimity of…
December 19, 2007
CNBC stock picker “Mad Money” Jim Cramer played Santa on December 19 “Today” and made it clear that Ben Bernanke is on the naughty list.
“Cramer Claus” was on “Today” to say which economic…
December 18, 2007
According to CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, corn prices have been artificially lowered by government taxpayer subsidies, so they should be artificially raised with a tax on drinks sweetened with corn syrup.
December 17, 2007
Want to be Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year?” If you’re a businessman, “albeit a great one,” it would count against you.
“The criteria for the choice, someone that, quote, ‘for better or for…
December 17, 2007
Prepare to be thoroughly disgusted: people are actually digging through businesses' garbage to dine on discarded food – all to make an anti-business statement.
Madeline Nelson, an executive-…
December 14, 2007
It’s no wonder businesspeople tend to distrust the media – especially when unsubstantiated alarmist statements are made and no recourse is offered.
“As many as 600,000 babies may be born in the…
December 14, 2007
While the media have been talking down the economy for the past four years on gas prices, recession, housing and more, there may be another reason so many voters perceive the economy to be in poor shape.
December 13, 2007
Critical condition in medical terminology means a patient has a high risk of death that could occur within the next 24 hours. ABC used those two words to make the American medical system sound terrible and to promote…
September 6, 2006
As images of hurricane victims filled the nation’s TV screens last September, network reporters and contributors painted the war on poverty as “ignored and lost.” But when the poverty rate recently showed an end to its four-…