November 12, 2008
Journalists Credit Obama for Stock Gains, Ignore Losses
media rushed to laud President-elect Obama after an Election Day
November 4, 2008
Networks Obsess Over Polls, Limit Substantive Coverage
media had an opportunity in the final week before the election
to give…
October 29, 2008
Left, Media Try to Cook Up a New New Deal
media have been obsessed with the Great Depression this year,
comparing our current time…
October 22, 2008
America 2012
Journalists have spent the 2008 Presidential race promoting liberal economic policies. From bureaucratic health care to…
October 16, 2008
Krugman Follows Well-Worn Path to Nobel Prize:
Liberal Ideas
Like Gore, IPCC and Carter, NYT columnist shows how Bush-…
October 8, 2008
Media Endorse $700 Billion Economic 'Rescue'
financial system has been the damsel in distress of the U.S.
economy for weeks, and…
October 1, 2008
Despite Media Mythmaking, Capitalism Didnt Fail
is taking a beating in the mainstream media these days.
Reporters complain that…
September 24, 2008
Media Mum on Barney Franks Fannie Mae Love Connection
Barney Frank has done oversight for Fannie Mae for nearly 20
years. He took $40,…
September 17, 2008
Networks Help Obama Bridge Gap on Earmarks
Its whats for dinner for many politicians. When Gov. Sarah
Palin started touting a record…
September 10, 2008
Parrots Dems on Republicans and Economy
The best political team on
televisions coverage
of the Republican National Convention…