June 27, 2007
Billion-dollar returns? Not good enough for NBC. The network attacked rich hedge fund managers for taking high-risks, greed, and for trying to do business with the “upper-middle class.”
June 25, 2007
After reading all 3,500 words from the July 9 Fortune magazine cover story, “Who business is betting on,” you might think it’s Democratic Presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.)
June 27, 2007
Following the radically liberal traditions of San Francisco, Mayor Gavin Newsom banned municipal departments from purchasing bottled water, even for water coolers.
But, that wasn’t good…
June 25, 2007
Even though Americans are living longer than they ever have before, we’re all in trouble because our health care system is failing us. That’s Michael Moore’s “SiCKO” in a nutshell.
In Moore’s…
June 26, 2007
Pitting one expert prediction against another “American Morning” took the side of more housing market woes on June 26.
CNN’s personal finance correspondent Gerri Willis reported housing market…
June 22, 2007
CNN Business Correspondent Ali Velshi criticized both Republicans and oil companies in his reporting about the energy debate on Capitol Hill.
Velshi claimed the GOP wasn’t using a “sound…
June 20, 2007
While the tragic death of nine Charleston, S.C. firefighters was still fresh on everyone’s minds, ABC’s “World News” used the incident to make a case for more government regulation by pushing for mandated sprinkler systems…
June 20, 2007
As if the media needed another excuse to push government-run health care and assault the fast food industry. Now they’re blaming two of their favorite issues for a reduction in height in the United States.
June 18, 2007
Leading up to the June 29 U.S. release of Michael Moore’s “Sicko,” increased government health care programs are the common prescription in the mainstream media.
A June 17 “ABC World News”…
June 19, 2007
Socialism has its perks, according to BusinessWeek.
In the June 25 issue, Geri Smith wrote that “in some respects, business has never been better,” despite Hugo Chávez’s takeover of…