December 28, 2005
ABC reporter Dean Reynolds promised A Closer Look at the woes of
domestic auto parts maker Delphi, but instead zoomed in on a story
portraying union workers as victims and corporate executives as…
December 27, 2005
The front page of the December 27 Investors Business Daily (IBD)
joined other print outlets in blowing hot air on the so-called
housing bubble with Home
Sales Plunge as Prices Pull Back and…
December 21, 2005
alarm bells about record greenhouse gas emissions, New York Times
reporter Andrew Revkin opened his December 21
article noting the U.S. Energy Department reports U.S. emissions…
December 19, 2005
Regardless of whether a strike is called or a settlement is
reached, warned Chan and Greenhouse, the labor struggle over the
transit contract has highlighted one fact: Many workers feel they
lack dignity…
December 15, 2005
Lou Dobbs wants answers. In his December 14 broadcast of CNNs Lou
Dobbs Tonight, the business anchor gathered torches and pitchforks
in response to the news of an overall trade deficit [that] hit…
December 15, 2005
Lower energy prices have spurred a significant drop in consumer
prices according to a December 15 report from a federal agency that
tracks economic data. On a seasonally adjusted basis, the CPI-U…
December 12, 2005
Forecasting a bleak sweater-swaddled winter for middle class
Americans on the December 12 Evening News, CBS correspondent Jim
Axelrod exaggerated the rise of natural gas heating costs by about…
December 20, 2005
Opening their newscasts with the New York City transit strike, the
December 20 morning news programs focused on the inconvenience to
commuters and the expected cost to the city, but only CNN, CBS, and…
December 12, 2005
The crew of CNNs In the Money opened their December 10 program
warning about a bursting housing bubble, but an interview with a
Harvard housing expert quickly deflated that story line.
December 9, 2005
Stacking the deck against Merck and Co., Inc., reporters for The New
York Times and USA Today presented an allegation that the
prescription drug maker tampered with results in its own study. The…