August 14, 2006
Nearly two week ago, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell suggested hard-line Communist Raul Castro really did have a soft spot for capitalism.
“Raul has been in charge of the military and the economy,”…
August 9, 2006
You’ve been eating healthy all week, but you could really go for a cheesy, greasy steak sub right about now. Forget about it, CBS’s “Early Show” warned its audience on the August 9 show.
August 2, 2006
“Stop and drop those tongs,” because salads might not be good for you after all, warned NBC’s Campbell Brown as she teased a “Today’s Consumer” segment on the morning show’s August 2 program.
August 4, 2006
The CBS “Evening News” recently hinted that more regulation, not less, is needed to improve the nation’s electrical grid.
Reporter Trish Regan’s August 3 story displayed a chart showing an…
August 7, 2006
Has CNN’s reporting on food gone to the dogs?
The audience of the August 5 edition of “In the Money” might suspect as much. On that program business contributor Andy Serwer narrated a “…
August 8, 2006
Marking the one-year anniversary of longtime smoker Peter Jennings’ death from lung cancer, ABC’s Dr. Timothy Johnson wrote up a prescription as outdated and ineffective as bleeding a patient: growing government. …
August 2, 2006
Raul Castro: a free enterprise-friendly Communist?
That’s how NBC’s Andrea Mitchell portrayed the 75-year old brother of Cuba dictator Fidel Castro in her report on the August 2 “Today” show.…
August 1, 2006
As sure as the sun rises in the east, when a heat wave engulfs the continental United States, it dawns on the media that “global warming” may be to blame. Such was the case with CBS’s Bob Orr on the July 31 “Evening News,”…
July 26, 2006
A new batch of real estate data gave the media a chance to pull out its recipe for half-baked reporting on the housing market.
On July 25, a housing report…
July 27, 2006
What’s next, a “Dateline NBC” sting operation to snag Toucan Sam?
Basing her story on a July 19 study by the liberal Kaiser Family Foundation, ABC’s Lisa Stark offered the audience of the July…