January 18, 2007
News that U.S. cancer deaths fell for the second year in a row led the ABC, CBS, and NBC’s evening newscasts. But reporters for all three networks used the chance to editorialize about how much government spends on research – even though it has…
January 17, 2007
In its rush to paint vitamin supplements as a “Lethal Weapon” in need of regulation, CBS’s showed its “Passion” for bigger government as correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi used part two of her two-night series on nutrition supplements to accuse Mel…
January 17, 2007
Gasoline and crude oil prices are both on a downward trend and some media outlets are even reporting the story. But USA Today’s Barbara Hagenbaugh presented a negative spin on the positive development and failed to disclose her source also…
January 15, 2007
His country is the fourth-largest exporter of oil to the United States, and he just announced an oil nationalization plan that would undercut private investment in his country, but dictator Hugo Chavez’s announcement earned no mention on the…
January 12, 2007
There she goes again. Two days after taking transportation policy expert Robert Poole out of context in a toll road story, CNN’s Lisa Sylvester cut around the substance of a USC economist’s arguments against a Medicare bill before Congress…
January 11, 2007
Most Americans don’t wait 10 years for their bosses, much less the government, to give their paychecks a boost. Data show that more than two-thirds have passed the minimum after a year at a particular job. But to ABC’s “World News” anchor…
January 10, 2007
In its rush to anger viewers about private company “ownership” of public roads, the January 9 “Lou Dobbs Tonight” presented only one proponent of privatized toll roads, and then misrepresented his position on the issue, cutting out his defense…
January 9, 2007
Forget that a veteran government meteorologist told the NBC “Nightly News” that global warming has nothing to do with the warm winter in the Northeast. According to that network’s chief science reporter Robert Bazell, he might as well have said…
January 8, 2007
Chugging along to the show’s close, anchor Dan Harris ended the January 7 “World News Sunday” by introducing correspondent Bill Redeker’s wistful story of how first-class travel on the nation’s railways might “become a thing of the past,”…
January 5, 2007
With a mild winter in the Northeast and low energy prices, it’s hard for CBS to do the typical story of a freezing woman choosing between “heating or eating.” So the “Evening News” resorted to complaining about the “balmy” weather.