August 25, 2006
Perhaps it’s a symptom of a strong economy and a high standard of living, but often the media find negative angles to technology that makes our lives, and our work, easier.
That’s the spin ABC…
August 25, 2006
Noting the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s formation in the Atlantic Ocean, anchor Brian Williams promised his audience a look at “a sore spot for many homeowners, insurance.”
August 23, 2006
A computer glitch that dramatically lowered the price at the pump to one-tenth its value gave NBC’s Brian Williams an excuse to launch into a populist anti-oil industry diatribe.
Noting that…
August 28, 2006
With a tropical storm threatening Florida and the one-year anniversary of Katrina approaching, CNN’s August 28 “American Morning” kicked off a weeklong look at “Red Tape and Rubble” in the Gulf Coast. But Ali Velshi’s first…
August 18, 2006
Asking “Who is to blame for America’s obesity epidemic” among children, Ann Curry of NBC’s “Today” show introduced a condensed edition of a story to air later that evening on “Dateline NBC.” Reporter Stone Phillips went on…
August 18, 2006
The “CBS Evening News” has found another corporate villain it says needs more FDA regulation: sunscreen manufacturers.
But it was reporter Trish Regan who burned her audience by leaving out…
August 16, 2006
NBC’s Campbell Brown floated the image of a real estate “bubble” in a brief item on housing sales on the August 15 “Nightly News.” But not all economists are that pessimistic, and research by the Business & Media…
August 16, 2006
Out: the media showing homeless people scrounging for food in dumpster as an indictment of the economy under conservative presidents.
In: the media showing middle class young people scrounging…
August 10, 2006
What did a Happy Meal ever do to Melanie Warner? In March the Business & Media Institute showed you how The New York Times advertising reporter found nothing funny in humorous beer ads. Now she’s at it again, pooh-…
August 10, 2006
NBC swallowed claims from a study that criticized online alcohol vendors, though very few teens actually buy liquor online. What’s more, Chief Consumer Correspondent Lea Thompson failed to include any critics who would argue…