February 25, 2014
Chipotle says it’s all about “food with integrity.” “Facts with integrity,” not so much. Marketing efforts by the burrito chain once owned by McDonald’s smear many of America’s farmers and use scare tactics to drive consumers away from Chipotle’s…
February 28, 2014
The limited government, anti-bailout Tea Party movement party turned five years old on Feb. 27. They marked the occasion with an event in Washington, D.C. including speakers Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. Sen. Rand Paul, R- Ky., and Sen.Ted Cruz, R-…
March 5, 2014
In a huge victory for the second-largest U.S. oil company, a U.S. district judge ruled March 4, that a $9.5 billion award against Chevron by an Ecuadorean court was “obtained by corrupt means.” The massive figure had been lowered by Ecuador’s…
March 18, 2014
Science blogger and biological anthropologist Greg Laden once said that taking away the future from generations by promoting climate denial was a “criminal act.” He doubled down on that March 16, saying that was only “wishful thinking” at the moment…
May 15, 2014
Is “The Gray Lady” that way because the sexist owners of The New York Times won’t pay her enough for a proper dye job? This and other delightfully schadenfreude-alicious questions are worth pondering now that the paper has “unexpectedly” fired…
June 22, 2006
President Bush’s prescription drug plan has been panned by conservatives and liberals, for different reasons. But in his June 21 "Evening News" report when CBS’s Wyatt Andrews presented the objections of a liberal health…
June 28, 2006
They wanted to sue over sodas in school, they even complained about 2 percent milk, and now they’re after fruit juices. But to the Washington Post, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is just another health-…
June 21, 2006
Print media ran results of an anti-alcohol group’s study that warned black children are exposed to more alcohol marketing than their white peers, but the report left out information…
August 24, 2006
It’s nearly one year after Katrina and so far the 2006 hurricane season has been a quiet one. But that fact didn’t surface once in Hannah Storm’s August 24 “Early Show” interview with global warming alarmist Mike Tidwell,…
June 26, 2006
Parade magazine wants you to push Congress for higher taxes. Just don't generate too much carbon dioxide on your way there.
Alongside author Eugene Linden’s alarmist June 25 article, “Why You Can’t…