April 27, 2012
was nearly three years ago that the U.S. Senate last passed a budget,
despite the need for a clear plan to tackle debt and spending issues.
The anniversary of that last budget is April 29, 2009. Since that time,
the media have repeated the…
May 4, 2012
About 45,000 fewer jobs were added in April than economists expected,
and the unemployment rate dropped to 8.1 percent due to more than a
half million people giving up the job search. CNN Money reacted with the
headline “hiring fizzles.”…
November 8, 2007
See Full Report
More than 600,000 homes are currently in foreclosure; both houses of Congress and the president have proposed different bailout plans for the mortgage “crisis;” and Americans are drowning in $2.4 trillion worth of red ink.…
May 15, 2012
New York Times continued and old media theme of complaining about the
volume of student debt on May 13 with its front page story: “A
Generation Hobbled by College Debt.”Times
writers Andrew Martin and Andrew W. Lehren began the 4,647-word…
May 31, 2012
state Mayor Michael Bloomberg is at it again, trying to pass a ban on
large sugary drinks, all with the media’s help of course. CNN’s Alina
Cho favored the proposal in her May 31 report during the 10 a.m. hour of
June 14, 2012
May jobs report turned out to be an enormous disappointment, when
the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported only 69,000 jobs gained on the
payroll survey and the unemployment rate ticked up to 8.2 percent. The
report also showed 49,000…
June 20, 2012
tactics are one of the many tools of the left, and the environmental
left particularly loves to spread fear of chemicals and “toxins” among
consumers. But that phobia also taints media coverage, and has resulted
in attacks on food-…
July 6, 2012
June jobs report was “very disappointing” for the Obama administration
and to people looking for work, according to CNBC’s John Harwood. The
80,000 job gains was 20,000 short of expectations, and the unemployment
rate was unchanged.Moody’s…
July 12, 2012
Obama announced his plan to hike taxes on people making more than
$200,000 and families making more than $250,000 by allowing the Bush tax
cuts to expire. But that wasn’t the way the three broadcast networks
framed the story on July 9…
October 15, 2009
While many in the news media continue to inflate and exaggerate the number of uninsured Americans, National Public Radio is making a change.NPR’s deputy senior supervising editor Joe Neel drafted an e-mail that was sent out Oct. 14 to member…