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Julia A. Seymour | October 20, 2010

Full Report

Once upon a time, there was a nation besieged by what many called The Great Recession. The unemployment rate was climbing, businesses and families were struggling, and everyone was holding out for a hero.


Dan Kennedy | October 20, 2010

Many people fear that ObamaCare will necessitate rationing, to curb consumption and cap costs. But an even better bending of the cost curve would be to eliminate care altogether.

As it is obvious there’ll be less turf, turf battles have…

Julia A. Seymour | October 19, 2010

Executive Summary

Like the fabled town of Hamelin that hired the Pied Piper to conquer its rat problem, America needed a hero to overcome a faltering economy. According to the news media, that hero was Sen. Barack Obama who made…

Dan Gainor | October 19, 2010

Steroids are back in the news with the arrest of a Canadian doctor charged with providing performance-enhancing drugs to top athletes. It’s a major issue in the sports world, raising the question whether some of today’s most-well-known sports…

Jeff Poor | October 18, 2010

The American public is wising up about the theory of anthropogenic global warming and is expressing skepticism. Some would think that is progress, but not CNN’s Karen Chetry.

On the Oct. 18 broadcast of CNN’s “American Morning…

Jeff Poor | October 15, 2010

The use of birth control has been an issue debated by ethicists in the United States for over a century. Until now, it’s been a moral issue, and few mainstream voices ever advocated the use of birth control for environmental reasons.

Krista West | October 14, 2010

Despite the current pressure of economic hardships that all citizens are feeling, the government decided to take another shot at consumers Wednesday.

USA Today Reports “the government said Wednesday that gasoline now may contain up to 15…

Dan Gainor | October 13, 2010

We now return to Barack Obama’s America – the election edition. It’s not the “bipartisan,” “post-racial” place he promised. Thanks to the left and their media flunkies, it’s Character Assassination Nation.

Yes, politics in America has…

Dan Kennedy | October 13, 2010

You would think all members of Congress would rebel at being systematically made irrelevant. Is it possible they are so dumb they can’t see Obama at work neutering them?

The myriad horrors woven throughout the 2,000+ page health…

Matt Philbin | October 12, 2010

Want more proof of the mainstream media’s fading influence with the public? A new ABC-Yahoo poll finds that a full 85 percent of Americans “are either angry about the economy or at least dissatisfied with it,” according to an ABC News article by…

Jeff Poor | October 12, 2010

The White House’s current effort to disparage the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is an act of desperation in light of the low poll numbers of the Democratic Party going into the November midterm, as some have pointed out. But perhaps President Barack…

Jeff Poor | October 11, 2010

It seems like a phony issue for the a struggling Obama administration to be promoting – the allegations that the U.S. Chamber of  Commerce may or may not be using foreign contributions to fuel political ads against Democrats. However, President…

Julia A. Seymour | October 8, 2010

The final government unemployment report before the midterm election was released Oct. 8 showing a loss of 95,000 jobs in September, and an additional 15,000 losses in July and August and an unemployment rate still at 9.6 percent.


Krista West | October 7, 2010

It’s a tough choice between Pepsi and Gatorade. I don’t know how to choose. Let’s have the government decide!

On ABC’s “The View,” Oct. 7, a segment addressed New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposal to ban the use of food stamps…

Jeff Poor | October 6, 2010

What do you do when one of your largest donors is a naturalized American citizen that was once convicted of insider trading in Europe? You look around Washington, D.C. for institutions you disagree with and go after their contributors.

Dan Kennedy | October 6, 2010

President Obama is having less luck in backyards and town halls than he’d hoped. He and his team seem firmly convinced their troubles are all, as the Captain said to Paul Newman in “Cool Hand Luke,” “a failure to communicate.” 

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | October 6, 2010

Editor, The New York Times

620 Eighth Avenue

New York, NY 10018

To the Editor:

Reciting Keynesian mythology, Daniel Gross writes that "for this recovery to mature, broaden and persist, the greatest economic…

Dan Gainor | October 6, 2010

Imagine the furor if a televangelist went on a major TV network and told viewers Christianity would conquer the world and that the flag of Christianity would fly over the White House.

Network reporters, Hollywood celebrities and the pundit…

Jeff Poor | October 2, 2010

With what appears to be a devastating election looming for his party, is President Obama attempting to follow in the footsteps of one of his predecessors and moderate toward the center?


Not if choosing Pete Rouse to replace…

Dan Gainor | September 29, 2010

Neil Young’s song “The Needle and the Damage Done” was written about heroin addiction, but it might as well have applied to the liberal crusade against science. Young sings: “I've seen the needle/and the damage done.” But unlike heroin, this…